第十八届中欧软件工程教育国际研讨会(CEISEE2022)将于2022年11月25-26日线上举行。 CEISEE会议自2005年发起,已成功举办了十七届,为中欧教育机构、软件行业和教育主管部门的与会者提供了一个交流观点和智慧、分享经验、探讨面向行业的软件教育方法的良好平台。CEISEE2022的会议主题为“How the Metaverse is Shaping the Future of Education”,特别是元宇宙、人工智能、大数据、云计算、区块链、物联网等的蓬勃发展对软件工程教育产生的重要影响。 本次会议由克罗地亚Algebra University College承办,中国哈尔滨工业大学、北京交通大学协办,中国软件工程教学指导委员会、国家示范性软件学院联盟、中国软件行业协会、中国大学MOOC计算机教育联盟、《计算机教育》杂志赞助。 会议网址为:https://www.algebra.hr/en/ceisee/ 现将会议有关事宜通知如下: 日程安排: 日期 | 北京时间 | 活动 | 腾讯会议 | 11月25日 | 15:00~15:20 | Opening Ceremony Chair: Goran Djambic, PhD, Head of Software Engineering Department, Algebra University College, Croatia Speakers: (1) Leo Mrsic, PhD, Vice Dean for Science and Research; Algebra LAB Director, Algebra University College, Croatia (2) Prof. Xu Xiaofei, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China (3) Prof. Lu Wei, Chairman of The Pilot Software Engineering Schools Association, Beijing Jiaotong University, China (4) Prof. Wu Xiangqian, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China | 会议号:455-733-058 入会密码:1125 | 15:20~18:30 | Plenary Session Metaverse Shapes the Future Higher Education,Prof. Xu Xiaofei, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, Digital Transformation and Smart Education ,Prof. Zhou Aoying, Vice President of East China Normal University Security assurance meets software engineering: Bridging the Gap Between Certification and Software Development, Prof. Claudio Ardagna, Professor, Università degli Studi di Milano How to create inclusive learning and teaching in post COVID world, Mislav Balkovic, PhD, Dean of Algebra University College, Croatia
| 11月26日 | 10:00~11:00 | Paper Session1: Innovative method of software engineering education Chair: Prof. Chen Dongming | 会议号:772-624-101 入会密码:1126 | Paper Session2: Training plans and courses for software engineering related majors Chair: Prof. Wang Tiantian | 会议号:293-765-510 入会密码:99086 | 11:00~12:00 | Paper Session3: Interdisciplinary education Prof. Ma Ying | 会议号:772-624-101 入会密码:1126 | Paper Session4: Exploration of multi-mode training program Chair: Prof. Zhang Xin | 会议号:293-765-510 入会密码:99086 | 15:00~16:00 | Paper Session5: Online education and education in the meta universe era Chair: Prof. Li Chunshan | 会议号:772-624-101 入会密码:1126 | Paper Session6: Exploration of Software Engineering Theory and Practice Mode Chair: Prof. Zhang Yifei | 会议号:293-765-510 入会密码:99086 | 16:20~17:40 | Panel Session: New approaches of consolidating links between university and industry in SE education Panel Moderator: Prof. Wang Zhongjie, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Panelists: (1)Prof. Bing Wu, TU Dublin, Ireland (2)Prof. Yan Wang, The University of Macquarie, Australia (3)Prof. Ni Chao, Zhejiang University, China (4)Prof. Zhang Li, Beihang University, China (5)Prof. Chen Dongming, Northeastern University | 会议号:772-624-101 入会密码:1126 | 17:40~18:00 | Closure Chair: Prof. Danijel Kucak, Algebra University College, Croatia Speakers: (1) Prof.Maja Brkljacic, PhD, Algebra University College, Croatia (2) Prof. Nie Lanshun, Harbin Institute of Technology, China (3) Prof. Peng Rong, Vice-president of School of Computer Science, Wuhan University Handover Ceremony | 会议号:772-624-101 入会密码:1126 |
会议地点: 线上进行 会议主题: 1.软件工程教育的新方法 2.软件工程相关专业培养计划和课程 3.跨学科教育 4.校企合作 5.在线教育和元宇宙时代的教育 6.创新创业实践 7.国际教育合作 会议缴费:本次会议不收取会务费 联系方式: 为便于会议的顺利开展,请您于2022年11月23日前通过扫描下方第一个二维码填写参会回执信息。 下方第二个为会议网站链接的二维码。  
邮箱:Zrinka.Boric@algebra.hr 联系人:Zrinka Boric 联系电话:0451-86417722 邮箱:software@hit.edu.cn 联系人:曹老师 下方为CEISEE2022参会人员联络群二维码,请参会人员扫码入群。 
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