加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学Dennis K. Peters教授讲学通知


受哈尔滨工业电信学院邀请,加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学Dennis K. Peters教授来我校讲学。Dennis K. Peters教授,将与我校师生就并行分布式高性能计算系统尤其在海洋仿真中的应用研究进行交流。同行的还有纽芬兰纪念大学工程与应用学院国际交流负责人Jinghua Nie女士,对纽芬兰纪念大学留学生培养的相关问题进行咨询和解答。届时欢迎全校师生积极参与、广泛交流。具体安排如下:

报告题目 Parallel and Distributed Systems for High Performance Computing withapplications in Marine Simulation




Memorial University has an internationalreputation as a leader in ocean technology research and development,particularly as it applies to harsh environments, and a key element of thissuccess is the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. One important aspectof our research is the use of advanced computer simulations for designanalysis, real-time training systems and for scenario exploration, whichrequires that the simulations run much faster than real-time. This talk willpresent some of the unique computing challenges involved in these systems anddiscuss how we solve them using parallel and distributed architectures,including multi-core CPU, workstation clusters and general purpose computing ongraphics processing units (GPGPU). The talk will also include some informationabout academic study opportunities at Memorial University. 


Dennis K. Peters教授简介:

Dennis K. Peters, P.Eng., Ph.D., FEC is aProfessor and Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering at MemorialUniversity in St. Johns, NL, Canada where he has been a member of Faculty since 1998. Heearned the B.Eng. (Electrical) degree at Memorial University in 1990, beforegoing to work in the high-tech industry at Newbridge Networks (now Alcatel) inOttawa, Ontario. After two years in industry he returned to school, this timeat McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario where he completed the M.Eng.(Electrical & Computer) in 1995 and Ph.D. (Electrical & ComputerEngineering) in 2000. His research involves techniques for design andverification of software and computer systems, with particular focus on highperformance computing, simulation, real-time applications and parallel ordistributed processing. 


Dr. Peters is an active volunteer in theprofessional engineering community in Canada. He is currently the Chair of theBoard of Directors of the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists ofNewfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL), and serves (2008-present) on the CanadianEngineering Qualifications Board (CEQB), where he chairs committees on GoodCharacter Assessment and Software Engineering and participates in severalothers. He was a member (2002-13) of the Registration Committee for PEGNL,including the last 7 years as chair. He is a member (1999-present) of theexecutive committee for the Newfoundland and Labrador Section of the IEEE,including a term as Chair and currently serving as Student Branch Counselor. Hehas participated in accreditation visits for the Canadian EngineeringAccreditation Board (CEQB) and has served on the organizational committees forlocal, national and international conferences.

His teaching activity is primarily in thearea of software, ranging from introductory programming courses to advancedtopics such as software engineering and concurrent programming.


The faculty provides the highest quality ofeducation, through teaching and research excellence, vibrant educationalenvironment and innovative programs. Many faculty members are internationallyrenowned and award-winning professors in their respective fields of research.Our faculty offers accredited undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs incivil, computer, electrical, mechanical, oceans and naval architecturalengineering (unique in Canada) and process engineering. Further course-basedgraduate programs are offered in oil and gas, environmental systems, computerengineering and engineering management. In total, these programs are offered toapproximately 1,600 undergraduate and graduate studentsmore details inwww.engr.mun.ca.